Updated the Dog's Life call with 11 new submissions including a great Good Dog Award from Ken Miller of ASKalice and Shouting at the Postman.
Do not play this game if you are a Pictionary addict. You will probably be fired.
Monday, March 19, 2001
Monday, March 12, 2001
Spent the weekend in Maui. Did a lot of snorkling around Lanai and Turtle Town but didn't see any turtles. Saw about eight whales crusing around the west side of the island. Went on a jeep ride of a back country cattle ranch.
Ate dinner at Nick's Fishmarket with Bob Gates. Nice guy, but he does a lot of name-dropping. The Crab Leg Pasta and Château Lafite Rothschild were excellent.
Sunday, March 04, 2001

My good friend Dragonfly Dream has a cool new collaborative idea on her webpage called "Bald is Beautiful!" She has been battling with cancer since December 2000 and has documented her experiences on her website.
I sent her my manipulated image with tribal tattoos and also dropped it into the eternal Gridcosm at level 703.
Met the artist, Riley L. Johnston, at the Carlsbad art show. He had plenty of sand paintings on display outside and the humidity was steaming up the glass inside the frames of a few. We talked about the Navaho "hypno-therapy" of sand paintings and I gave him a baggie of red sand that I picked up from the Valley of Fire in Nevada.
Thursday, March 01, 2001
The funny thing to me about the All Your Base Are Belong To Us phenomenom is that it might actually be something that George W. Bush would say during one of his speeches. Check out the cool Zero Wing FAQ to get all the historical data about this net.Craze.
The first AYBABTU post to Gridcosm was Grid 678 on February 15, 2001.
Still don't know what this is all about? Read the Register (UK) for an excellent article about this subject.