The other day I was drinking a cup of Joe in a popular local cafe called Vinaka's. It is a funky place where you will find surfers, artists and even the mayor sipping coffee at the tables inside and outside. It is always busier and tastier than the Starbucks across the parking lot. I sat over by the magazine section where alternative newspapers, local band flyers and assorted print paraphernalia is displayed. On top of some copies of the
Reader, there was a paperback with a label on the cover stating: "FREE Book." The book was titled
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by DAVE EGGERS. The sticker went on to say that I could have the book as long as I logged onto the web site and register my find. You are supposed to go to the journal entry page, enter the BCID number, and leave a brief note so that others will know what's happened to the book. When finished with the book, I'm supposed to pass it along to a friend or release it into the wild for someone else to find!
So I did. I read the book and it was pretty good and I posted a journal entry on the website.
The next day I got an email from the person who left the book saying thanks for posting and that she was into ATCs and liked my web pages. She got my web site address from the bookcrosssing profile. So now I found a local person to swap artist trading cards with! Hooray.
She's got some excellent images of her artwork, illustrations, ATCs and dolls on her blog at
So if you see a book lying around with a big sticker on the cover . . . snap it up, read it, add a journal entry and pass it along!