Here is a limited edition ATC ( 7 total) that I made using 2 of my photographs ( a crow in Bryce Canyon Utah and a photo of and old painted wood building). I inverted the crow to a negative image and used a layer filter to get the right paint texture showing through. Then I played with the color and contrast to find just the right shade of turquoise-green. Then I resized it to 2.5 x 3.5 inches and pasted 7 copies onto an 8 x 11 image and printed it out at 300 DPI on Kodak high gloss photo paper.
Do you make digital ATCs??? If the answer is yes and you want to swap, send me an email or send your ATCs to: kiyotei / p.o. box 2786 / carlsbad, ca 92018 / usa
I'll send you an equal number (including the wooden crow image).
This is quite something... I will have to try this, as soon as i find some time! But will try...
Digital ATC's are no different than any other method. The only ATC I have made was completely digital. I used appropriated images from google searches, collaged them and designed the card in photoshop and printed it on my printer. In my opinion digital is no better or worse than any other medium or technique.
Hi - I'm inspired now to do some digi ATCs. I've made non-digi ATCs in the past but it soon became apparent that many ATC 'artists' were simply using commercial rubber stamps, so I don't see why digi ATCs are any different - in fact probably much better!
I agree with what Gillian said about the difference between digital and pasted up and/or painted. I have worked some in both and find myself leaning toward digital or possibly a hybrid of some combinations of digital and hand methods.
Like the crow.
cheers, bill b.
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