RF Côté of Quebec, Canada sent this nifty Time Traveling device. By adjusting the three switches on the card, the reader is attached to two cosmic strings and can travel at incredible speed because the gravitational force distorts spacetime and produces time travel. The postcard is turned into a time machine by using the gravity produced by the two cosmic strings, to propel itself into the past. This is accomplished by looping around the cosmic strings. For each year traveled backwards in time, a loop of string containing half the mass-energy of an entire galaxy is produced.

Unfortunately, the circuit was damaged in the mail, and is not functioning. My attempt to travel back to 1976 was unsuccessful. I have ordered another transpositioner capacitance module to repair the card and will attempt the time jump in the near future.
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excellent blog of RF Côté and check out all his inventions.
K-dog... Didja try re-routing the overflow resist capacitor? I know that sound'z too simple, but I noticed in the photo that the circuit could be shorting out on every-other loop sequence due to the close proximity of the negative band adjuster (Must have been shrunk to fit postcard size??) --thus causing you to possibly visit 1876 as opposed to 1976? Make sense? --ed (P.S. Just one more reason why postcard'zZ suck.)
I did try to re-route the overflow resist capacitor but it kept zeroing to ground. Which led me to believe that it was a bad transpositioner. But I forgot about the negative band adjuster!
I'll place a shielding cable next the the heat sink and have another go at it.
1876, eh? I guess that's why Boss Tweed tried to hitch a ride with me to the future.
K-friend, I'll try to fix you a new time machine with a pre-selection button stuck on 1976. Working on it and looking for the apropriate resist capacitor.
Capt. Reg,
Looking forward to the new machine. Gotta check out the Kiss concert at the Starlight bowl just one more time!
WOW this is nice
Mailbox alert!!! Time machine version 1.1 on its way to Carlsbad.
Speaking of mailbox, I have a mailart call going on that theme and nothing yet from master-K...
No peer pressure here... Off for the weekend!
Roger Radio'zZ time machine wuz a bit off too... His Dylan 64 contribution just now came in:
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